“I have been fascinated with human beings such as Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and MLK, who have become heroes by changing the world. What has made them great? Is there something that happened in their lives, which propelled them to break through and have a massive impact? How can we become more like them? I have found that these individuals were not chasing to create the biggest impact. Instead, they saw a problem and they just started doing, one step at a time. They didn’t get bogged down in the enormity of what they were doing or focus on trying to change the world. Their impact grew because it was not about them. These individuals went beyond themselves and did for others. Every single one of us has ideas that can change the world, but we hesitate because of fear. My passion is to feed a billion people and my challenge to others is to find your passion, discover your big idea, and follow your dream one step at a time.” Dr. Ambuj Jain currently lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife and 2 children. He has earned degrees in B.Com. at University of Allahabad and M.Com. at Delhi School of Economics, as well as a MBA and PhD from University of Buffalo, and was an award-winning assistant professor of marketing at Southern Methodist University. In his long and varied career as a businessman and a “visionary for humanity,” AJ has been motivated by the mutual success of his clients and colleagues alike. He has worked for industry leaders Deloitte Consulting and Resort Condominiums International, consulted with Microsoft, Mary Kay Cosmetics and J.C. Penney on strategic planning and marketing, served as a member of the executive team at American Safety Insurance, and founded 2 Pillars LLC. He is now the founder and chief executive officer of Feed A Billion, an organization that is committed to eliminating hunger and has pledged to feed 1 billion people by 2020.