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Against All Odds

Kalpalatha K. Guntupalli, MD, is Professor and Chief of Pulmonary/Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at the prestigious Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. She was the first woman President of the American Association of physicians of Indian Origin or AAPI in 1998 that represents the professional interests of 45,000 physicians of Indian origin who practice in USA.


She recently served as the President of the 20,000-member American College of Chest Physicians in 2009 She served on the Critical Care Medicine Board, a certifying board of the American Board of Internal Medicine. She is the recipient of many grants and published over 120 articles Immigrating to USA in 1973, she has given much back to India, traveling back every year to lecture, see patients and develop lasting health care programs. Her most recent passion and contribution relates to the activism in the "Tobacco education" both here in USA and in the Indian subcontinent.

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